Stainless Profile


Dimensions of stainless steel profiles in our stocks: 
- From 10x10 to 150x150 in square profiles; 
- Available in various sizes from 20x10 to 120x80 in rectangular profiles. 
- There are materials with a wall thickness of 1 mm - 5 mm in the profiles. 
- Our profiles are generally 304 quality, and 316 quality products are also available upon order. 
- Stainless profiles, building elements, construction industry, industrial kitchen, furniture, steel goods, decoration and other stainless products are widely used in many areas of our daily life.

Weight Chart

Stainless Steel Square Profile Weight Table ( kg / mt )

mm1,0 mm1,2 mm1,5 mm2,0 mm2,5 mm3 mm4 mm5 mm
10 x 100.290.350.42
15 x 150.450.540.660.86
20 x 200.610.730.91.18
25 x 250.770.921.141.51.842.17
30 x 300.931.111.381.812.242.65
35 x 351.091.31.622.132.643.12
40 x 401.251.51.862.453.033.64.7
45 x 451.411.692.12.773.434.085.34
50 x 501.882.343.093.834.565.987.35
60 x 602.813.734.635.527.268.94
70 x 703.294.375.436.478.5310.54
80 x 803.7756.227.439.8112.13
100 x 1004.736.287.829.3412.3615.32
120 x 1207.569.4111.2614.9118.51
150 x 1509.4711.8114.1318.7423.3
200 x 20012.6615.7918.9125.1231.27
250 x 25023.731.539,25-

Stainless Steel Square Profile Weight Table ( kg / mt )

mm1,0 mm1,2 mm1,5 mm2,0 mm2,5 mm3,0 mm4,0 mm5,0 mm
20 x 100.450.540.66
20 x 150.530.630.781.02
25 x 100.530.630.781.02
25 x 150.610.730.91.18
30 x 100.610.730.91.18
30 x 150.690.831.021.34
30 x 200.770.921.141.51.842.17
40 x 100.770.931.141.51.842.17
40 x 150.851.021.261.652.042.41
40 x 200.931.111.381.812.242.65
40 x 301.091.31.622.132.643.12
50 x 100.931.111.381.812.242.65
50 x
50 x
50 x 301.251.51.862.453.033.6
60 x
60 x
60 x 301.411.692.12.773.434.08
60 x 402.343.093.834.565.98
70 x 202.12.773.434.085.34
70 x 402.583.414.235.046.62
80 x 202.343.093.834.565.98
80 x 302.583.414.235.046.62
80 x 402.813.734.635.527.268.94
80 x 603.294.375.436.478.5310.54
100 x 403.294.375.436.478.5310.54
100 x 503.534.695.826.959.1711.34
100 x 603.7756.227.439.8112.13
100 x 804.255.647.028.3911.0813.73
120 x 403.7756.227.439.8112.13
120 x 604.255.467.028.3911.0813.73
120 x 804.736.287.829.3412.3615.32
150 x 506.287.829.3412.3615.32
150 x 1007.879.8111.7415.5519.31
160 x 807.569.4111.2614.9118.51
200 x 1009.511.8114.1318.7423.3

About Us

With 10 years of experience, knowledge and experienced technical team in the Stainless Steel sector, we serve the Turkish industry and economy in harmony with today's economy and production technology. Our main products in the import range of our company are; There are Stainless Steel Sheet, Stainless Pipe, Profile Rod, Stainless Flat Plate, Stainless Angle, Stainless Patterned and Decorative Sheet groups.

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